Seth Revealed:
Unlock the Secrets of
Conscious Creation
Our popular online course is
now available On Demand!
Back by popular demand, this comprehensive on-demand course is ideal for those who are just getting started with metaphysical studies, wish to take the ideas even further, or want to turbo-charge their local study group.
Have you explored The Law of Attraction, but sensed there’s something missing?
Have your ideas about conscious creation been watered down by promises of a quick-fix solution?
Would you like to discover what’s missing from “The Secret”?
Are you drawn to a certain direction in life, but afraid to pursue it?
Do you know that you create your own reality, but can’t seem to consistently get the results that others do?
Have you wanted to take Seth’s ideas further, but have not had the motivation or support?
Apply ALL of the laws of conscious creation to attract your deepest desires, not just what your ego wants
Balance your thoughts, feelings, deep intuitions, and develop your inner senses
Learn the power of dreams and how to use them to solve personal challenges
Embrace your Whole Self and better understand the purpose of your life and identify your true desires
Maintain equilibrium in the face of chronic change – abundance, relationships, illness, and even death!
Find your place in the world and live in harmony with others
Seth Revealed is a comprehensive overview of the 46 books by Seth and Jane Roberts that provides a practical, easy-to-follow introduction to Seth's core ideas and transformative exercises.
Originally provided as popular live course for participants around the world, Seth Revealed On Demand is now available! You can now experience it at your own pace—at any time, on any smartphone, tablet, or computer—and enjoy the same safe and comfortable environment for exploration!
This unique learning experience provides eight (8) 2-hour prerecorded class sessions, experiential activities, and supplemental resources to foster deep, transformative insights and personal growth.
I have spent a lot of time and money looking for THE answer to my problems in life, I would love to be able to sort things out for myself once and for all. |
I am reasonably well read on "alternative" philosophies regarding living a healthy and joyful life, but still seem to have a problem with the day-to-day part of it. |
I sometimes experience a “new age guilt” trip from my conscious creation friends when I manifest problems that I can’t solve by just thinking about them. |
I have often wondered about what my true purpose in life is and whether it is possible to live a happy, fulfilling life. |
I have always wanted to start my own Seth group but never felt like I had a good way to organize the material. |
I am increasingly aware that the world is rapidly changing and would love to know how to better cope with constant change. |
The secrets of reality creation revealed in simple, easy-to apply terms and methods.
A comprehensive, easy-to-follow introduction to Seth’s core ideas and transformative exercises.
A deep understanding of the key concepts involved in personal reality creation and the means to apply them effectively in your life.
An introduction to a new map of reality, including the origins of our universe, the nature of the soul, reincarnation, karma, and more.
Over 16 hours of online instruction via eight (8) video classes led by principal instructors Paul Helfrich, Chris Johnson, and Joanne Helfrich (approximately 2 hours each).
Your personal chapter handouts of Seth Revealed: Unlock the Secrets of Conscious Creation by Paul M. Helfrich, his comprehensive overview of the 46 books by Seth and Jane Roberts. It provides an easy-to-follow introduction to Seth’s core ideas and transformative exercises. This publication is available only through this course, provided as eight (8) handouts (one for each class).
Eight (8) MP3 downloadable audio podcasts of each class, so you can review classes away from your computer screen
Individual MP3s of each exercise and psy-time included in each class, to enhance your learning experience through guided meditations and practices
Bonus print materials to deepen your understanding of the core principles!!
Because IT'S NEEDED NOW. The world is a complex and often confusing place. Personal pursuits and spiritual traditions can shed light in helpful ways, but more often miss the mark in explaining the true nature of reality creation and how we can attain our life’s purpose to feel truly fulfilled and contented.
Then it's time you did! "Channeled" by the late, great American author, poet, and psychic Jane Roberts, the Seth Material is among the best sources in the world of esoteric information on the nature of reality.
No, but it helps! In Class #8, we recommend several key books to further your explorations.
Yes! What's especially great about Seth Revealed is it provides context and references to many other sources of wisdom, current events, and your own spiritual journey and life experiences!
Course Curriculum
Here is an overview of what you will explore in each class. You will also learn to use Seth’s exercises in cumulative fashion to test these ideas through your own direct experience.
Discover your true self
Discover your place in the world
Discover how we can live in harmony
This course is a LEARNING EXPERIENCE that provides a treasure trove of experiential activities to explore what Seth calls the “Unknown Reality."
Here is what we believe the VALUE of this life changing experience to be. Each participant receives:
A $1100 value for only $149, and your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.
When you sign up for Seth Revealed, you are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you are dissatisfied for any reason, you can cancel your enrollment any time within the first 30 days. You send us an email, we send your money back. And you may keep all the course materials you have received. |
Call Principal Instructor Paul Helfrich at (818) 914-6115 to find out more.